There are some more compact reflectors as well, such as the Zhumell Z114, Zhumell Z130, SkyWatcher Heritage 130P/AWB OneSky 130, and SkyWatcher Heritage 150P. A Newtonian reflector telescope may not be as compact, but for the same price as a C90 and an adequate mount, you can get a 6” Dobsonian, which will show more detail on planets and the moon and many more deep-sky-objects. The Meade ETX90 is another 90mm Maksutov, but with optics which are more reliably superb, comparable even to the premium and absurdly priced Questar 3.5 in all ways except for mechanical design and ergonomics.īut a telescope of another optical design entirely might be a better fit for most observers.

There’s also the NexStar 4SE, a 4” Maksutov on a better computerized Go-To mount. Orion and SkyWatcher also offer some larger Maksutovs, a 4” and 5” variety which will have better light grasp and resolution.Ĭelestron also sells the NexStar 90SLT, a 90mm Maksutov on a computerized Go-To mount. The SkyWatcher SkyMax 90 is another offering with no mount, but with astronomical accessories. The Orion Apex 90 is another version designed as a daytime spotting scope and is highly comparable to the C90, but a little lighter weight. The Orion StarMax 90 comes on a usable but barebones tabletop mount. The other ones by Synta likely have the exact same optics. Telescope India, Telescope Shop, Astronomy Store, Reflector Telescope India, Refractor telescope India, Cassegraine Telescope India, Astrophotography India, Learn Astronomy India, Online Astronomy Store India Mumbai, Best Telescope India, Online Telescope India, astronomy telescopes, celestron telescopes, astronomical telescopes for sale, telescope lens,telescope shopping, orion telescopes, galileo sky, telescope accessories, great telescopes, new telescopes, buying first telescope,purchase telescope, telescope shop address, affordable telescopes, budget telescope, childrens telescope, galileo telescope parts, professional telescopes, space telescopes for sale, telescope dealers, telescope for home use amateur telescopes, astro telescopes, astronomy accessories, catadioptric telescopes, discount telescopes, dobson telescopes, electronic telescope, newtonian reflector telescope, quality telescopes, reflecting telescopes, refracting telescopes, telescope brands large product inventory to select from the finestRefractor Telescope, Reflector Telescope, Dobsonian Telescope Binoculars in stock for your current and future astronomical needs.There are several other 90mm Maksutov Cassegrains on the market.