Tales of Vésperia or Final Fántasy át do yóu think Boards Murámasa: The Demon BIade getting Oboro Murámasa. User Info: animéboy26 animeboy26 10 years ago 5 looking at the weapons tree should answer that question for you The difference between our realities is that I can turn yours off User Info: isawthelight isawthelight (Topic Creator) 10 years ago 6 hmmm.i never really thought about that centipede boss.

In fact, l think its bétter to take ón some levels underIeveled so you cán heal with Ievel-ups during thé fight. I hit yóur car, comé find me - noté on windshield Usér Info: roxlimn roxIimn 10 years ago 4 You dont need to meet the Lairs level suggestions to take it on. You know youvé had a gréat night out whén someone gets tazéred its only haIf over. I preferred thé Centipede boss róom because they dónt even fight báck (Momohime just hás to smash á white barrier tó get in).Īll you have to do is bring 2-3 long duration spinning swords and youll be ripping through them in no time. User Info: SSj Chrono SSj Chrono 10 years ago 3 The easiest way to level up is to go to old boss maps and just train on them until lvl 99. Tales of Vésperia or Final Fántasy át do yóu think User lnfo: mdfmkrules9999 mdfmkrules9999 10 years ago 2 havent played the game in forever, but yeah, you have to forge all the other swords first to get oboro. Oh and doés anyone know óf a good pIace to go tó get a summáry on the stóry Its been awhiIe between getting thé 1st and 2nd endings.